
Download new baldur's gate
Download new baldur's gate

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Siege of Dragonspear is a brand new chapter in the Baldur’s Gate saga! Epic Characters 11 Playable Classes plus dozens of subclasses, Recruit Classic Characters like Minsc and his brave hamster, Boo! 3 New Recruitable Heroes: Neera the Wild Mage, Dorn Il-Khan the Blackguard, and Rasaad yn Bashir the Monk, New player voice sets to customize your hero Story-driven gameplay means character choices matter Classic Gameplay, 2-D isometric graphics, Real-time-with-pause combat, Adapts 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons Rules Enhanced for Modern Platforms, Over 400 improvements to the original game, Native support for high-resolution widescreen displays, The 1998 Classic, enhanced for modern Windows, macOS and Linux players! Gameplay Baldur’s Gate Enhanced Edition Free Download Repacklab

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